#130 How to Develop Consistent Routines To Support Your Inner Work

How to Develop Consistent Routines To Support Your Inner Work

Join me and Traci Ferguson, our Path to Freedom Lead Success Coach, as we jam on how to develop a consistent routine or rituals to help support your inner work as a coach and entrepreneur. 

There's one thing ALL successful coaches understand: the inner work is a NON-negotiable. 

Call it shadow work, healing work, trauma work, inner work, mindset work - whatever YOU choose to call it, just know that it is a necessary part of your growth as a human, coach, and business owner. And you cannot grow a successful, aligned, fulfilling business without it. 

BUT we know that so many coaches, especially new coaches, struggle to find the time and commitment to the inner work. WHY? Because it often doesn't FEEL like the action that's going to bring you results in your business. 

So many coaches tend to do external work, like producing content, working on their website, creating new offers, etc... thinking that those actions are going to produce the results they want. 

In reality, all successful action begins with inner work. It's only from that place of clarity and groundedness that you can receive YOUR higher wisdom and know the most efficient and fulfilling path for yourself. 

So today we want to help you become more consistent with your inner work practice by developing better routines and structure to keep going with motivation and drive. 

Tune in to learn: 

🔥 What practices we've used to create profitable coaching businesses 

🔥 How we developed our individual routines to fit our style of inner work 

🔥 The best inner work resources to create more financial abundance and freedom 

🔥 Our tips on staying motivated and consistent with your inner work despite the resistance or fears that come up

Curious about working together? Check out the links below!


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#131 Jami Killian On Working Smarter Not Harder...How I Got Clear on My Niche & Got More Done in 8 Weeks than 6 Previous Years Working On My Coaching Biz


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