#140 How to Make Sales More Fun And Less Stressful For Your Coaching Biz


How to Make Sales More Fun And Less Stressful For Your Coaching Biz

Join me and Jess Tomlinson, our lead success coach in our mastermind, Scale with Soul, as we chat all about how to make sales less stressful and more FUN.


We all LOVE to coach, that's why we chose this career path, right?! But we don't all love sales. In fact, most of us HATE sales.


But the reality is, if you want your coaching business to create financial freedom for yourself and make a huge impact in other peoples' lives...then you NEED to get good at sales. Period.


Now, there's an aligned way to do sales...and an icky way to do sales. And the truth is, that way is different for each person. For us, and the crew at Punch Drunk Soul, sales is about support.


It's about helping people break through their own limitations and finally take a stand for themselves and say YES to what they truly desire. It's not about convincing someone that they need what you offer, and it's not about pushing someone to make a decision that they're not comfortable with yet. It's not about false promises, bait-and-switch tactics, or creating fake urgency.


We don't do sales like the old school boys do sales 😉


But, when all is said and done, we can't fully show up and support people if we are stressed out by sales. So what do you do?


You listen to this gem of an episode of our Podcast, that's what!

Today, Jess and I want to help you take the stress out of sales, let go of the ickiness and step into alignment, and learn how to receive and support in FLOW on your sales calls.


Stay Tuned To Learn:
✨What to do if you always find yourself scared sh*tless before a sales call
✨How to ground yourself before any sales call to support you in showing up present for your meeting
✨What makes sales icky and how to avoid being pushy on your calls (because that's why most of us hate sales! We don't want to feel pushy)
✨How to get people excited for your offer at the end of your sales call so there are less objections and more "I WANT THIS" energy!

If you want to learn more about working with us, check out the links below!


1) 4 Day Soul Aligned Biz Challenge


2) Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator program


140Punch Drunk Soul Podcast Spotify Punch Drunk Soul Podcast - Apple Podcast Listen to the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast on Stitcher Listen to the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast in Google Podcast


#141 How to Grow Your Coaching Business As A Busy Mom


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