#172 If You’re Earning Less Than $5k as a Coach, STOP Building a Website or Funnels 🛑 (Do this Instead)
If You’re Earning Less Than $5k as a Coach, STOP Building a Website or Funnels 🛑 (Do this Instead)
Join me & our lead success coach, Traci Ferguson as we share why you shouldn’t be building out complex systems, funnels or purchasing fancy tech platforms for your coaching biz if you’re making under about $5k per month consistently.Once you hit that income level it means you’ve clearly identified a fit in the market, you understand WHO your ideal clients are & HOW to market to them effectively.We allll understand the appeal of funnels & backend systems that work for you to bring in clients. Who doesn’t want qualified leads dropping in every day?There is a time & place for those systems. But if you haven’t laid proper foundations to your business & proven your offering yet with consistent paying clients, you’ll just lose a lot of time, money & motivation.What you need to do in the beginning isn’t waste 6 months to years building out fancy systems & funnels “behind the scenes.” You need to be OUT there, connecting with people, being practice & FINDING where your ideal clients are in the online and offline world.You gotta get creative, resourceful & proactive to get your clients in the beginning. Once you’ve built up enough clients & income, THEN you can set up more of the automations that bring them to youMost of our clients inside PTF don’t have a website & usually have no more than 200-500 IG followers & they still enroll high-ticket clients.