#159 How to Pitch Your Coaching Offer Like A Boss & Enroll Clients With Ease
How to Pitch Your Coaching Offer Like A Boss & Enroll Clients With EaseScheduledAug 24, 2023
Welcome back to another episode of the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast where we share the best stories, tips, tricks, and motivators to help you jumpstart and grow your soul-aligned coaching business!Today, join me and Lara Feinstein, our head breakthrough coach here at PDS as we share...HOW TO PITCH YOUR COACHING OFFER!As a coach, whether you're a life coach or a health coach or anything in between, you are so freaking excited to work with clients...but actually getting people interested or engaging with you is the first step.And often times, all you hear is crickets at this point. People don't seem interested...? Why not!? You have an amazing way to help people! If they would simply just say YES, you know their life would change drastically.So what gives? Why aren't people jumping at the chance to be coached by you? It comes down to a few things. One is your own energy and beliefs around you and your coaching offer, but we'll have to save that one for another episode.What we're going to talk about today is how you're communicating your offer. AND how you actually SHARE it! Whether that's on a clarity call OR even just on social media. You gotta have your pitch down as a coach if you want clients lining up to work with you.Ohhh this is gonna be a juicy one! Get excited all you coaches out there eager to find out how to get your audience salivating over your offers 😉STAY TUNED TO LEARN:✨What you can do to confidently and effectively share your coaching offer✨The difference between features and benefits and how you can use these to be concise and compelling when sharing your coaching offer✨Why less is more when it comes to sharing your coaching offer✨How to communicate the value of what you do so people understand why you priced your coaching offer the way you did