#143 Following Inspired Action For Bigger Results in Your Coaching Biz


Following Inspired Action For Bigger Results in Your Coaching Biz

Join me and Jess Tomlinson, our lead success coach in our mastermind, Scale with Soul, as we chat all about how to follow aligned and inspired action to create better results in your coaching business.

We recently held a training in our mastermind that was a HUGE hit, all around this topic, so we wanted to share some takeaways with the rest of you all out there!

Jess and I want to share the power of following aligned and inspired action and how it can help you feel more at ease in your coaching business, find more joy in the building of it, and lead to faster results with more simplicity.

The trouble with taking action OUT of alignment in your coaching business is that it will feel heavy, slow, and forceful. The results will also fall flat because you're not actually headed in the direction you want to go in. You're just taking action to feel productive rather than taking action from a place of inspiration.

✨How to get into aligned action and what that means
✨What to do if you fall out of alignment and how to get back to inspired action
✨A few of our favorite tips and tricks for raising your vibration before taking action
✨A few of the most powerful questions we ask ourselves and our clients to help ensure we're staying in alignment and acting from a place of inspiration

If you want to learn more about working with us, check out the links below!


1) 4 Day Soul Aligned Biz Challenge


2) Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator program


143Punch Drunk Soul Podcast Spotify Punch Drunk Soul Podcast - Apple Podcast Listen to the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast on Stitcher Listen to the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast in Google Podcast


#144 How to Nail Your Soul Aligned Coaching Niche Without Overthinking It


#142 Is Being "Spiritual" Necessary To Have Success As A Coach?