#127 Marta Oddone: How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failing And Launch Your Coaching Business. How To Enroll Clients Without Social Media. What It Takes To Balance A Full Time Job & Your Coaching Biz


Marta Oddone: How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failing And Launch Your Coaching Business. How To Enroll Clients Without Social Media. What It Takes To Balance A Full Time Job & Your Coaching Biz

Welcome back to another episode of the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast!Today I'm speaking with Marta Oddone who is a Holistic Health Coach and Inbound Marketing Specialist. She lives in Charlotte, NC where she serves on the board of the Carolina Women in Tech nonprofit. Her mission is to empower women to take control of their health and happiness so they can live a more energized and balanced life!I wanted to bring Marta on to the show today because she recently graduated from Path to Freedom and has been on fire ever since, enrolling clients, traveling the world, and building out her coaching program.We get a lot of people asking HOW we help our clients enroll clients inside Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator and they get overly concerned that we only help them through online methods like Instagram or Facebook.The truth is, that's only PART of how we help our clients enroll clients. The way we help our clients enroll clients is by helping them CONNECT with their ideal clients instantly, clearly communicate the value of their offer effectively and understand how to conduct an aligned and soulful sales conversation. Where clients come from tends to fall naturally into place from there.The reason I'm sharing this is because Marta is one of the many examples we have of clients taking what we teach and enrolling clients in whatever way fits THEM and their personality.I also wanted to bring Marta on to share HOW she started her business, what it took for her to start working with clients, and why she chose health and wellness coaching.She has such a passion for changing the way people receive help with their health that I couldn't wait to share her story.If you want to connect with Marta, head to her Instagram: @wellness_with_martaIf you want to learn more about the program Marta graduated from, you can go to punchdrunksoul.com/pathtofreedomThanks for listening!

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