#155 How to Pick Yourself Up & Stay Motivated After Disappointments in Business
How to Pick Yourself Up & Stay Motivated After Disappointments in Business
Welcome back to another episode of the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast where we share the best stories, tips, tricks, motivators to help you jumpstart and grow your soul-aligned coaching business!Today I'm bringing on a coach on my team, Jaleesa Chambers who is one of our Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator success coaches. Jaleesa is a new mom and is not new to the feeling of being unmotivated and overwhelmed in her coaching business.So today we're going to talk all about how to get back on the horse when you fall off, how to reignite your motivation after disappointments, and how to dust yourself off after failures in your own coaching business.This may sound simple, but in reality it's VERY hard to do! We've all been there. We've all run into scenarios that we had high hopes for, just to be crushed with crippling disappointment and failure when those things didn't turn out as we'd hoped. And then trying to find your motivation and will to go on can be...well challenging!But if there's one thing we've learned in business it's that the ONLY way to success is through failure.The ONLY way you're going to reach your goals in your coaching business is if you learn how to pick yourself up & get back on track after you fall down. Because if you stay down, so does your coaching business.STAY TUNED TO LEARN:✨How we coach our clients to stay motivated after disappointments✨What we do to gain motivation and inspiration after feeling stuck, lost or overwhelmed in our coaching business✨How to re-wire your brain to focus on the positive over the negative (my 2-sided paper hack)✨An energetic & somatic practice to physically move energy through your body in just minutes or seconds to get you back on track